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The custom of Padaung tribeswomen wearing neck coils is ...

The custom of Padaung tribeswomen wearing neck coils is disappearing. (By Paul Ross)
As my husband Paul and I stepped into the horse-drawn carriage, the driver flashed a huge grin and said “Mingalaba,” which means hello. The horse ambled along a bumpy dirt road and suddenly, out of the surrounding landscape that was dotted with rice paddies, gold and white pagodas emerged as if by magic, gleaming in the afternoon sun. They were the remnants of what used to be the powerful and dazzling Inwa, the former capital of Burma, which was first established in the 14th century.
We alighted from the carriage and were greeted by a gaggle of young girls selling jewelry, sun hats, and postcards. I smiled, said I didn’t need anything, and walked around the ruins as one of the girls called after me, “See you later, alligator, in a while, crocodile.” I burst out laughing and bought some jewelry from her.
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