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KNU’s tells Govt – it’s too early for development

February 23 | | Posted in Articles, Recommended | Tags: , , ,
KNU chairman (Mutu)
Since last years signed cease-fire agreement between the government and the Karen National Union, the Burma border town of Myawaddy has been awash with government officials, leaders of various armed groups and business people.
The most recent high-level delegations to visit the border town were the Karen National Union, including its chairperson, General Saw Mutu Say Poe, who met with the Burmese Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham at the Aye Chan Phyo guest house, last week.
A KNU official, Saw John, told Karen News that the meeting took place during a visit by the Vice-President, Dr Sai Mauk Kham to assess Myawaddy’s commercial zone.
Saw John said.
“The KNU met and told the vice-president that the ceasefire between the government and the KNU hasn’t reached a lasting peace stage yet. We need to have this in place before we can move forward to the development project stage [for Karen State].”
According to Saw John, the Vice-President suggested that all future peace-talk’ discussions should include senior government leaders so that a nation-wide ceasefire can be achieved in Burma.
The Karen National Union source said that the vice-president didn’t comment on the presentation given by the KNU chairman, he appeared to take the suggestion on board. The KNU source said one project that was discussed – the Hotels and Tourism project in Karen State – process smoothly.
Besides, chairman General Saw Mutu Say Poe, the meeting was attended by Pa-an District chairman Padoh Saw Aung Maw Aye, Dooplaya District chairman Padoh Shwe Maunn and Saw John from the KNU, and the government delegation included, vice-president Dr Sai Mauk Kham and three union ministers from the government.
On February 19, vice-president Dr Sai Mauk Kham met with members of parliament from Karen State and the Myawaddy liaison-in-charge, General Saw Paw Doh in Pa-an.

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