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``စဥ့္အိုးတင္ ဝါးေဖာင္ေမွ်ာ၊ .....ဧရာဝတီ(၁၉၇၇)``
......Irrawady river. A large bamboo raft transports massive clay pots to markets in Mandaly and Paganး Burma(1977)
(Credit: Bruno Barbey)

``ျမစ္ဧရာ ....ကၽြန္းသစ္ဆြဲ(၁၉၇၇)``
.....Along the Irrawady River. Water oxen pulling teak logs; Burma(1977)
(Credit: Bruno Barbey)
``ျမစ္ဧရာ ....ဝါးေဖာင္ေမ်ာ(၁၉၇၇)``
......Irrawady river. A large bamboo raft transports massive clay pots to markets in Mandalay and Pagan; Burma(1977)
(Credit: Bruno Barbey)

 `ပုဂံ ညေန(၁၉၇၇)``
.....The River Irrawady; Pagan(1977)
(Credit: Bruno Barbey)


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